Accessibility Services Accommodations
The Office of Accessibility and Testing Services at the University of West Georgia is committed to providing access to campus resources and opportunities to allow students with disabilities to obtain a quality educational experience at 在线博彩.
Do I Qualify for Accommodations?
Disabilities may be temporary or permanent and are categorized into three areas: physical, psychological, and learning disorders. If you have been diagnosed with a disability you are eligible for accommodations. If you suspect a learning or psychological disability, but have never been diagnosed, please make an appointment with an Accessibility Counselor to discuss a possible referral.
Examples of Physical Disabilities include: Sensory disorders, such as hearing or visual impairments, mobility disorders, systemic disorders; and chronic illnesses, such as Crohn’s disease or cancer.
Examples of Psychological Disabilities include: Depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, and personality disorder.
Examples of Learning Disorders include: Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia, and language processing disorder; and although not considered a learning disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often related with as many as 50% of those with ADHD also having a learning disorder.
How Do I Receive Accommodations?
Step 1
Download the appropriate Documentation Guidelines.
- Learning Disorders (PDF)
- Psychological Disorders (PDF)
- Medical and Mobility (Systemic/Visual) Disorders (PDF)
- Injured Student Athlete (PDF)
- Hearing Impairment and Communication Disorders (PDF)
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (PDF)
- Transient Status (PDF)
- Acquired Brain Injury (PDF)
Please complete your application with supporting documentation prior to your appointment through our Accommodations Request Application Portal. Be certain your documentation is complete and signed by the appropriate professional (psychiatrist, medical doctor, or psychologist, or other provider(s), depending on your disability).
Step 2
An Accessibility and Testing Specialist will be in touch with you within three weeks of the submission of your completed application to schedule your intake meeting.
Step 3
Attend your appointment. To learn more about what will happen during this appointment, review What to Expect During Your Accessibility Intake.
Step 4
Email your Student Accommodation Report (SAR) to your instructors and others as needed. For full instructions on how to request and present your SAR, as well as utilize your accommodations, review our SAR Instructions. For additional tips concerning your SAR, review our Useful Tips for Sharing.
Step 5
Follow-up with your Accessibility Specialist via email as needed when you have questions or concerns.
What Accommodations May I Receive?
All entitlements to accommodations are based on documentation and University System of Georgia's Board of Regents Standards. The following is a list of possible services and accommodations you may qualify for based on your disability and individual needs:
- Accessible Furniture
- Anchor Program
- Assistive Technology Lab
- Captioning Service
- Center for Academic Success Tutoring Accommodations
- Core Mathematics Substitution
- Early Registration
- Foreign Language Substitution
- Graduation Accommodations
- Personal Care Attendant
- Recording Lectures
- Residence Hall Accommodations
- Service Animal Policy
- Sonocent/Glean
- Support Services
- Testing Accommodations
- Writing Center Accommodations
I Have Accommodations. Now What Do I Do?
- Your SAR must be renewed every semester. To renew for the Spring 2025 semester, please fill out this form. It is highly recommended to renew your SAR before the start of every semester to ensure there is no lapse in-between your accommodations.
- Review the student guidebook for resources available to you.
- Download the SAR Checklist and the Testing Checklist to make sure you have access to everything you need for the semester. If you still have questions, please reach out to your Accessibility & Testing Specialist.
- You can always make additional changes to your SAR document by providing the right documentation. Please email our office ( to find out more.